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The Power of Discretionary Effort: Driving Performance and Engagement in the Workplace
To promote discretionary effort, organizations must prioritize employee engagement, performance management, and motivation strategies that cater to both intrinsic and extrinsic factors. By doing so, they create a supportive work environment where employees feel empowered, appreciated, and inspired to go the extra mile. Ultimately, focusing on discretionary effort not only drives performance and engagement but also leads to long-term organizational success.

Strategies to Overcome Bottlenecks and Foster Growth
Unlock growth and empower your team! Learn how small business owners can eliminate bottlenecks by clarifying roles, delegating authority, streamlining processes, and fostering a culture of trust.

Navigating the Uncomfortable: A Five-Step Framework for Successful Difficult Conversations
Mastering difficult conversations is an essential skill. Set a positive intention, explore their perspective, acknowledge differences, advocate your view, and collaboratively problem-solve for success.

Why Delegating Authority is Important and How to Do It: A Guide for Small Business Owners
When you own a successful business, you are often preoccupied with every aspect of the business. That’s how you found success, right? But at some point it’s important to delegate some of your authority even if it feels difficult to do so.

How to Prepare for a Difficult Conversation
Avoiding difficult conversations can damage relationships and have other negative outcomes. The best way to build your effectiveness and confidence is to thoughtfully prepare for the conversation by setting your intention for how you will show up.

4 Simple Steps to Build Accountability in your Small Business
Accountability in small businesses is critical if you want your employees to act more like owners. Let's talk about what an accountability problem looks like and the four simple steps to get back on track.
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