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Breaking Through Growth Barriers: How Emily Built a Strategy for Scaling Her Online Business
Struggling to scale her online business, Emily faced a pivotal decision: stay stuck in operations or step into leadership. Discover how she overcame debt fears, optimized her team, and became the face of her company—unlocking new growth opportunities.
The Power of Discretionary Effort: Driving Performance and Engagement in the Workplace
To promote discretionary effort, organizations must prioritize employee engagement, performance management, and motivation strategies that cater to both intrinsic and extrinsic factors. By doing so, they create a supportive work environment where employees feel empowered, appreciated, and inspired to go the extra mile. Ultimately, focusing on discretionary effort not only drives performance and engagement but also leads to long-term organizational success.
Strategies to Overcome Bottlenecks and Foster Growth
Unlock growth and empower your team! Learn how small business owners can eliminate bottlenecks by clarifying roles, delegating authority, streamlining processes, and fostering a culture of trust.
Why Being Counter-Cyclical During a Recession Can Be a Game-Changer for Your Business
By taking a counter-cyclical approach, businesses can not only survive, but also thrive during a recession. This post will provide business owners with valuable insights and strategies for navigating an economic downturn.
Moving Beyond a Sales Plateau
Often businesses reach a plateau after a period of steady or rapid growth, which prompts the question - why isn't the approach that got us here working anymore? How can we continue to grow?
What is Business Coaching and How Might it Help Me?
Achieve success by partnering with a business coach. Coaches offer unbiased perspectives, identify growth opportunities, and foster personal development. They guide decision-making, manage challenges, and build strong teams. Invest in a coach to unlock your business's potential and elevate your entrepreneurial journey.
Marketing on a Budget: How to Boost Your Business When Money is Tight
Let's explore budget-friendly marketing strategies that can help you reach new customers and increase sales. Whether you're a startup or an established business, these tips can help you navigate the challenges of a recession and come out on top.
You’ve done a SWOT Analysis. Now what?
How to transform your regular SWOT into a true strategic planning tool.
Navigating Unpaid Invoices: The Late Fee Dilemma for Business Owners
Approach late fees thoughtfully. They aid prompt payments and stability, but balance with client rapport and uncertainties is vital. Clear terms, communication, and consistent policies foster fiscal responsibility and positive relationships.
Navigating the Uncomfortable: A Five-Step Framework for Successful Difficult Conversations
Mastering difficult conversations is an essential skill. Set a positive intention, explore their perspective, acknowledge differences, advocate your view, and collaboratively problem-solve for success.
Strategic Management: The Key to Success for Small Businesses
Strategic management is a dynamic process of designing, implementing, analyzing and modifying strategies, to ascertain the strategic intent of the company.
Driving Small Business Value: The Importance of Owner Independence
Owner independence is a critical driver of small business value. By creating processes and delegating responsibilities, owners can focus on strategic initiatives, increase efficiency, and attract potential buyers or investors
5 Reasons Why it Pays for Women Entrepreneurs to Invest in Retreats
Attending a retreat is a valuable investment for women entrepreneurs who want to be the best they can be and lead their businesses to greater heights.
Don't SWOT Alone & Other Pitfalls to Avoid
The SWOT analysis is a commonly used tool in the strategic planning process. When done diligently, the SWOT can help you to make better decisions. Done incorrectly and it can give you false security and steer you in the wrong direction.
Why Delegating Authority is Important and How to Do It: A Guide for Small Business Owners
When you own a successful business, you are often preoccupied with every aspect of the business. That’s how you found success, right? But at some point it’s important to delegate some of your authority even if it feels difficult to do so.
How to Prepare for a Difficult Conversation
Avoiding difficult conversations can damage relationships and have other negative outcomes. The best way to build your effectiveness and confidence is to thoughtfully prepare for the conversation by setting your intention for how you will show up.
In the Press: Jane Featured
4 Simple Steps to Build Accountability in your Small Business
Accountability in small businesses is critical if you want your employees to act more like owners. Let's talk about what an accountability problem looks like and the four simple steps to get back on track.
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